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MechWarrior Tactics

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Зашел сегодня в МВТ. Она поменялась и поменялась к лучшему. У кого есть доступ - попробуйте.

Оказывается, у игры поменялся разработчик - теперь это Blue Lizard Games. Горячие эквадорские парни.


  • Класс! 1
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Совещание в IGP:

- С нашим текущим разработчиком MWT возникли определенные проблемы.

- Выпускайте уже релиз!

- Но вы понимаете, что оптимизация...

- Релиз!

- А еще стабильность...


- Но видите ли, нам видимо придется нанять...

- Да плевать, релиз, хоть голубых ящеров нанимайте!

- А это идея!

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Тьфу ты, это не БТ, а какой-то южноамериканский зверинец: пираньи, ящерки из эквадора! Что дальше? Переделка МехКомандера от студии "Кандиру"?!

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Я тут сегодня зашел потыкать пальцами в тактикс, сунулся просматривать все возможные карточки пилотов и мягко прифигел с 90% имен из списка. Это давно так или только ввели?

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Разработчиков. Что особенно удивительно, учитывая что на юнети половина школьников уже выпустила свои "игры" и залила на VK. К несчастью, они работают даже без особых проблем. Как эти уроды умудрились сделать такое глюкобагово до сих пор не понятно.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Очередной патч (хотя он уже довольно старый, но я его увидел только сегодня), обнуление всего и продолжение теста.

Что радует - стало меньше лагать, хотя, возможно, это из-за того что я поменял железо.

Так же добавлен туториал для новичков.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Возрадуемся, багофикс, патчефикс, вайпоставикс и пилотопракачиваемикс!



Greetings Commanders,

Things are getting tidied up, straightened out and polished up. Update 2000_25 is now being deployed. Emphasis in this edition is firmly in the realm of bug-fixing rather than feature and content addition. All pilot abilities should now be working as advertised, so please give them a go and give us your feedback!

User Data & Progress have been wiped.

Currency & Founders content has been reissued to all players.


Fixed an issue where the user was able to hit the HBK while it was standing in water, which prevented the Tutorial from being completed and caused further issues with the user's account.

Fixed an issue caused by double-clicking on the Weapons and Ammo tabs during the Tutorial, which prevented the Tutorial from being completed.

Fixed an issue caused by refreshing the game immediately after selecting the Stalker during the Tutorial.

Fixed typos and text issues in the Tutorial instruction texts.


Fixed an issue where the game would become unresponsive if a multiplayer match invite was received while a Rewards message was displayed.

In the STAC opening popup, fixed an issue where clicking on an empty 'Mech slot underneath the popup would cause the game to crash.

Fixed an issue where creating a match just after declining or finishing one caused issues with the Mission Preferences buttons.

Fixed an issue where selecting a new lance then immediately selecting 'Accept Challenge' caused the match creation to fail.

Fixed an issue that caused users to launch into a match vs. AI with no AI 'Mechs in the match.

Fixed an issue where users could create a lance with some or all 'Mechs unarmed, which caused the match to end automatically.

Fixed an issue where repeatedly changing pages in the 'Mech Library while sorting lead to a crash.

Fixed an issue where replicating the Default customizable 'Mechs Jenner or Stalker resulted in an infinite 'Verifying' banner.

Fixed an issue where users could select the 'Mech Library behind the chat box when selecting chat or chat scroll bar.

Fixed an issue where the user could change his lance's name on the lance selection screen after receiving a match invite.

Fixed the Web Request Error message when users invited themselves to a multiplayer match.

Fixed that caused a Web Request Error when ranking up if the user selected a category that was already Rank 3.

Fixed an issue where a player could spam the 'Invite' button, causing the invited player to receive multiple invites to the same match.

Added a notification in Lobby when the user's opponent Forfeits a match.

Fixed an issue where disassembling Founder 'Mechs would return their weapons to the Inventory, allowing duplication.

Fixed minor text issues: Typos, text spilling out of text boxes, cut-off text.

Mech Bay

Fixed an issue that allowed users to remove Armor cards indefinitely, while reducing the 'Mech's weight.

Pilot Abilities

A major fix sweep has been done for Pilot Abilities on Pilot cards, to fix non-functional Pilot abilities that were affecting most Pilot cards.

The following Global issues have been fixed:

Fixed an issue where Alphastrike Pilot abilities were triggered without Alpha striking was fixed.

Fixed an issue where the Solo ability applied regardless of whether or not there was an adjacent 'Mech present.

Fixed an issue where the 'Impact' ability did not function on the first turn of the match.

Fixed an issue where the 'Impact' ability did increasing damage every time the weapon was fired, while adding base weapon damage to the bonus.

The following Pilot cards have been fixed and are now functional:

Ulric Talbot

Feng Lau

Zander Rein

Ruby Lewis

Tenner Davek

Stalav Lang

Tasha Waylen

Resi Lanakir

Griff Manzer

Jake Cheng

Fisher Gray

Li Marshigama

Remi Bannock

Teresa Connor

Alamar Shamir

Sheldon Harker

A few Pilot Abilies Known Issues remain, mostly minor.


Fixed an inconsistency issue in the Jungle Rumble hex cost and overlay information

Fixed several graphical issues in the Ice Hell map (such as Lighting and Texture issues), as well as some hex Modifiers fixes.

Action Phase (Attack, Movement and Presentation phase)

Fixed an issue where the Combat log entry for 'Missile Clustering' stated a change to Damage.

Fixed an issue where the Heat meter showed the heat gain per target.

Fixed an issue where users could no longer view the Weapons' Modifiers when pressing CTRL.

Mech abilities are now being applied.

Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash on turn Submit.

Fixed an issue where the Ultra-Rare CPLT-B3 did not generate any heat.

The Spotter ability, which can be found on the Archangel and Contact Tactic cards, as well as the Overwatch Medium Laser, is now functional if the ally 'Mech is standing exactly 3 hexes away from the target.

Fixed an issue where the Minimum Movement rule only applied if the 'Mech was Crippled.

Fixed an issue where submitting a turn after the opponent had forfeited caused an error message to be displayed.

Fixed an issue where a delay before the Presentation Phase trigger could cause a match desync between players.

Fixed an issue where the Pilot tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse cursor over the 'Mech's Pilot button would display the tooltip for the previously viewed Pilot instead of the current one.

Fixed an issue where the game would stop responding if a player's opponent forfeited the match while the player was in the Settings menu.

Fixed an issue where self-inflicted ammo explosions would not trigger kickers.

Fixed an issue where the turn timer was using the player's computer clock instead of the server clock.

Fixed an issue where the 'Flechette' ability, which can be found on Griff Manzer, the Spray'n'Pray Tactic card, as well as several Weapon cards, would do increasing damage every time the weapon was fired.


Numbers on the Result screen now add up correctly and correspond to the actions performed in the match.

The XP and Scrap bonus from the CV Comparison bonus was too high and has been adjusted.

Fixed an issue where two Debriefing tabs could be selected at once, causing an overlap.

Please give us your feedback on these changes in the forums!

Known Issues

Memory increase when playing matches, loading 'Mechs in the Mech Bay, when sorting 'Mechs in the Lobby, when selecting 'Mech portraits in the Action phase. This can cause crashes, especially in Internet Explorer.

When receiving a multiplayer match invite, the Lobby needs to be refreshed to see the Invite (for instance, by going to the 'Cards' menu then back to the Lobby).

Card weight still needs tweaking.

Disassembling the Default Jenner does not return its equipped weapons to the Inventory.

After submitting a turn, some 'Mech models can be displayed on the incorrect hex. The correct hex will be highlighted.

Clicking on the 'Yes' confirmation button can sometimes be unresponsive, such as when selecting 'Yes' when confirming a match Forfeit.

When the Timer runs out in a match, the player can remain stuck on a 'Processing Movement' message.

Changing the browser zoom level to a setting other than '100%' causes UI issues.

Changing the browser zoom level to a setting of less than '100%' causes issues in 'Mech portraits when saving 'Mechs in the Mech Bay ('Mech not centered in portrait, corrupted 'Mech portrait).

Typed text in the Multiplayer chat can be displayed multiple times in the chat box.

When done opening STACs, players can be presented with an empty STAC opening popup with the card counter indicating 'Viewing 0/1'. Clicking on 'Finished' allows players to exit the STAC opening popup and resume the game.

If a player exits a match before it is completed, then resumes the match, the Debriefing popup will not appear at the end of the match. Instead, a greyed out map screen will be displayed. The player must refresh the game to end the match.

The following Known issues are currently being looked into:

The turn Timer does not appear in multiplayer matches, and the turn won't end when the timer's set time has elapsed. Turn ends when the players submit the turn.

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  • 4 недели спустя...

Есть вероятность, что вообще никогда. Еще пару недель назад студия, которую отрядили доделывать игру (разработчика сменили прямо по середине) еще распаковывала вещи и даже не приступала к работе. Прожект менеджмент у издателя тухлый, и игра в разработке уже пару лет. В общем тяжко дело идет.

Ключей к слову не рассылают, я зареган давно, но как-то обо мне не вспоминают.

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Ключей к слову не рассылают, я зареган давно, но как-то обо мне не вспоминают.

Не прав ты Импыч! 3 дня назад вспомнил про МВТ, попытался залогиниться, но как бы был послан и выяснилось что учетки то у меня там и нет. Регнулся заново. А вчера пришло письмо типа: ля ля ля вам надо перерегистрироваться и вот вам ключик в ЗБТ. В итоге вчера туториал посмотрел.

З.Ы. Всем привет!

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