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Лиги на платформе МВЛЛ

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  • 5 недель спустя...
Greetings unit leaders,

The Chaos March continues to thrive within our community. I have a proposal on how to celebrate the approaching one year anniversary of the event.

I invite Clan Smoke Jaguar, Clan Wolverines Rebirth, Eridani Light Horse, and Russian Death Legion to participate in a 4 team bracket tournament. The format would follow the Chaos March system of 80 asset drop decks assigned to each team. The assets would be persistent between both rounds. Each round would consist of 5 maps. I suggest teams be locked to 5 players per map. Flying assets would be banned from the tournament. The battles would take place at a scheduled time convenient to both teams. Battles can take place on Huntress, WR, ELH, or RDL servers.

Coordination would happen first on a neutral teamspeak. Teams would then be free to use their unit teamspeak if desired. Drop calculators would be sent far in advance to team leaders to make the lists before the battle. Each battle would feature different maps selected from the Chaos March map pool. Duelist, or another trusted member of the community familiar with the event rules, can act as battle supervisor. Drop decks could be assigned by me. Alternatively, each team could make their own drop deck and then it would be assigned to their opponent.

4 team tournament bracket

Single elimination

Chaos March rules and format

80 asset drop decks

Flying assets banned

Drop calcs sent in advance to leaders

Assets remain persistent for both rounds

Teams use their own teamspeak servers

Game servers available from each unit

30 minute time limit per map

5 maps played per round

Team with 3 map wins moves on

Suggested 5 players per team

Suggested changes or details on the event can be worked out via private message or a meeting on teamspeak. If all four units want to participate then I will send a future email with updated information. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

I hope this event will be held so we can celebrate the success of the Chaos March event that you all have helped make possible. I also hope this would be a chance to all play together again if even for a short while. Thank you to everyone involved.


До 3 июля загружен работой по самые уши :cray:

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Chaos March is coming tomorrow on a special day, Friday! We are starting 19:00 GMT. Hop on the teamspeak at mwll.mwmaster.net to play.See everyone tomorrow for Chaos March and Saturday for Open Drop Night! Chaos March Sunday at its regular time 20:00 GMT.
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Хаос Марш закончился - все фракции, кроме победившей, были уничтожены. 31ого октября перезапуск Лиги, причём с пометкой 2.0, так как есть изменения по метагейму и балансу. Письмо Дуэлиста отпощу в курилке КК - хоть ничего тайного там нет, но кидать в открытый доступ личную переписку наверно не очень правильно...

Разминайте ваши миомеры, господа! После полугодового перерыва мы снова играем в МехВар! :Laie_2:

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  • 3 недели спустя...


И так, продолжаем играть в МВЛЛ.

Теперь у нас есть ХаосМарш 2.0, который можно на этот раз назвать Планетарной лигой. До НБТ далеко, но правила в ХаосМарш 2.0 просты, компактны и уникальны настолько насколько уникален сам МВЛЛ своими не предсказуемыми ситуациями на поле боя.


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Это еженедельное событие организовано MWLL сообществом, для MWLL сообщества. Это кампания, охватывающая каноничный район Внутренней Сферы - Chaos March - , постоянные конфликты и междоусобицы, место, где хаос и разрушение просто еще один день в бизнесе. Четыре фракции столкнутся друг против друга на бесчисленных картах MWLL, множество боев, призванных воссоздать дух Battletech.

Запускается в этот уик-энд, суббота, 31 октября, 16:00 GMT, продолжиться в воскресенье и понедельник.

Линии снабжения проложены. Флоты на месте. Атаки начинаются !

TS - mwll.mwmaster.net

TS ELH - ts.mwomercs.net


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Внутренняя Сфера. Chaos March[/b]']


Производство. Chaos March[/b]']cmarchstar.png

Hub World: Обеспечивает наличие прыжковых маршрутов больше чем обычная планета.

Factory World: Обеспечивает скидку на продукцию в зависимости от типа завода

HPG Relay World: Даёт 5 очков шпионажа

Depot World: Предоставляет 5% скидку на Чёрном рынке. Чем больше таких планет, тем больше скидка.

Strategic Command World: Даёт 15 очков разведки

Trading World: Предоставляет 3 различных отряда (набора) Наёмников.

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  • 5 месяцев спустя...

Greetings ELH

Come play with us soon . Use the method in this video to connect to MWLL:

Or this method: MechWarrior: Living Legends Forum

Chaos March continues every weekend. TTF recently has captured planet Hall and had success defending planets. TTF defends planet Genoa Saturday. TTF attacks planet Jonathan Sunday. We start around 01:00 (20:00 GMT) Moscow time both days.

mwll.mwmaster.com teamspeak Chaos March Atlanta gameserver


PS Great fight on new map TC ValleyForge

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Do people fear your name? Think you can take out ten mechs in the arena? Champion yourself a champion? Show off your amazing skills and prove it! Come home mechwarriors! Warm up the engines and knock the rust out.

Champions Before Fireworks

Friday 1 July – Monday 4 July

4 quarterfinals Friday and Saturday at times designed to maximize worldwide participation

Weight class championships either Saturday or Sunday

Open class Grand Championship either Sunday or Monday









SA Alshain

SA Coliseum

SA Dogfight (flyers only)

SA ForsakenV04

SA Glory

SA Goldenrocks

SA Helsgate

SA Jungle

SA Vista


Last Man Standing game mode restricted by weight class. Four quarterfinal qualifying rounds. One semifinal championship for each weight class. One grand championship, open class, finale.

2 practice rounds, 3rd round counts for that weight class.

Play light > assault for each of the quarterfinals

Top 3 pilots advance from each weight class from each quarterfinal to the semi finals

At large bids for championship and open championship if space allows

Top 3 pilots from each semi final invited to the Grand Championship

Possible freely scheduled matches or mini brackets for specific asset classes.

Quarterfinal Times (best guess, final times announced later)

Friday 1 July East Europe/Asia Time Friendly

Friday 1 July USA Night

Saturday 2 July Early Morning Europe

Saturday 2 July Primetime

Sunday 3 July Semi, Grand Championship?

Monday 4 July Grand Championship


USA based Huntress Network

Open to other servers if we get “donations” in time

How to host a server

More details later

Basically have all of the maps loaded, preferably in a levelrotation

Set game mode to Last Man Standing

Set money to a lot, at least 200,000 a player

Contact duelist with server name, location, and server administrator

Administrator need not be around but it would help

Voice Comms

Optional but I will be on mwll.mwmaster.com teamspeak server during the event.

More information coming soon. Main thing is to spread the word right now…


Event leader board with total kills and points

Qualify regular SA match

Freely schedule matches

Mini asset-specific classes TBA

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