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"Гриззли был совершенно цел, в то время как все наши мехи были уже серьезно повреждены, однако мы смео ринулись в бой."

:) :D :D

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Battle report on Circinus A Graid on Port Dirac

From our Drop zone we moved directly towards the enemy Drop zone. The area of Port Dirac contains a compound situated on a flat plain surrounded by low rolling hills. We were moving toward the compound when the scout spotted an enemy Cauldron Born. That mech became the focal point of the attack but it was able to either evade being shot or could handle a lot of damage. The Cauldron Born moved just over the hill and shot and retreated. The combination of maneuvering and coping with damage made it difficult to destroy. We were on one side of the hill and could not pick up the enemy on radar so we did not know if the Cauldron Born was alone or bait. The enemy must have had some sort of jamming device because we could only see our own mechs on the battlefield. A Stiletto, as it was engaging the Cauldron Born, moved over the hill in the fury of battle but before he got under cover again he took note of the enemy mechs and broadcast it to our unit. So now we realized that the enemy was baiting us, in order to entice a single mech over the hill and into the waiting weapons of the enemy. The DC got us to regroup and ordered the charge to swarm the enemy and disrupt their fire lines. We moved over the hill but unfortunately, not as one unit as some mechs lagged behind a bit. The majority of our force engaged the enemy while others were still getting over the hill. A brawl ensued with our mechs weaving through the enemy mechs and shooting at the Cauldron Born. We finally were able to destroy it but not without significant cost because as we concentrated on one mech, the enemy was able to pick us off one by one so in the end we had destroyed the Cauldron Born but lost all of our mechs.

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Battle report on Circinus A Graid on Hillfort

From our Drop zone the DC had us immediately move toward the enemy’s Drop zone. The terrain on Hillfort consists of low rolling hills separated by narrow flat, sandy plains. We pushed forward across these hills watching for any sign of the enemy on hilltops, then I could hear, several pilots announcing that they has seen the enemy on the distance hill in front of us. The enemy immediately started shooting with long range weapons. Our Catapults returned fire to soften up the enemy before we rushed. The long weapons exchange lasted for what seems like a short time and then the charge order was issued. We headed straight for the hill behind which the enemy was hiding and shooting. We quickly reached brawling range and now, we had the advantage as our weapons recycled faster than their weapons. The DC called the marauders as the first targets with the Marauder IIC taking the brunt of the weapons fire. It was quickly destroyed and the second Marauder followed the first’s demise. The enemy Timber Wolf was not able to help his teammate as one of our Bushwacker pilots was keeping him busy. The pilot was able to inflict significant damage on the Timber Wolf before being destroyed but the Timber Wolf soon followed the demise of the Bushwacker. The brawl continued with mechs falling on both sides until the field of battle lay strewn with mechs and only two of our mechs were left standing.

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Office of Colonel Donner on Circinus A Graid

Colonel Donner is sitting at his desk when over the intercom his secretary announces, “Sir, the major is here and wants to discuss the recent ELH battle.” Colonel Donner replies, “Send him in.”

“Good afternoon sir,” says Sam as he walks in the office door. “I have the reports from Circinus A on the ELH battles. We did not do as well as expected. We lost three of the five battles. During the battle there were a few pilots complaining about their controls being changed. Apparently, some of the mech technicians started to alter the control settings to suit themselves while they were moving mechs around in the garrison. They failed to reset the controls to their original settings. I have informed the garrison commanders that technicians should not be changing control setting when they are just moving mechs about within the garrison compound. They are only moving at idle speed.

Those few pilots did an awesome job in light of serious changes in the control panels. We almost beat ELH in one battle but the messed up control panel made it almost impossible for the pilot to move the mech in the direction he wanted to move, let alone fire. The technician had his speed control and turning controls reverse. It is no wonder we lost those battles. I suggest we implement a policy that no technicians are allowed to change control settings on mechs for any reason. The control settings are only made by the pilots of the mechs and no one else.”

Colonel Donner nodding his head in acceptances replies, “Yes, I agree. We have never had anything like this happen before. I have to assume that the technicians never changed settings before because they realized the importance of how a pilot sets his controls but these newer technicians obviously are not aware of the significance of altering controls. It is possible that they may have been doing this for some time but resetting them after they parked the mech but if we are in a hurry they may not have time to reset the control panel. We must make sure the garrison commanders are aware of what happened and that from this point forward there will be no changing of mech control settings except by the pilots who are using the mechs in battle.”

“I will issue the order immediately and send it off the all the garrison commanders before the end of the day,” replies Sam

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Report from the battlefront on Circinus

From the drop zone we moved into the park. The enemy moved along the park edge but stayed in the building area. They used the buildings as cover which forced a long range weapons exchange. As we moved through the park shooting at the enemy mechs two Bushwackers continued to move towards the enemy’s drop zone and got separated from the main force. Unfortunately, one Bushwacker moved into the enemy’s strong hold and was destroyed. From the long range firing our assaults sustained extensive damage, so we backed off to the shoreline of the river that past through the park. At that point we made another stand but the enemy now charged our position. Initially a Hollander was the lead mech in the charge followed by the Bushwackers. The brawl that ensued took out our assaults and then the Bushwackers and last of all the Avatar was making a stand but the Hollander moved close to the Avatar and exploded to shut the mech down. That gave the result of his teammates a chance to destroy the mech. Within moments all of our force was destroyed.


Report from the battlefront on Bad News

From our drop zone we moved towards the city. One mech, a Summoner moved into the city looking for the enemy. He spotted the enemy to the north and took some shots as he moved in and out of cover from the buildings. The main force had moved to the west side of the city and into a set of hills where we waited. We expected the enemy to move into the city after the Summoner but they just waited and then disappeared from sight. We scanned the area hoping to get sight of them again but with no luck. Then one pilot spotted them directly north of us. They started firing and we tried to return fire. However, they had good cover behind the hills so the DC ordered us to retreat. Several pilots retreated but a few were slow at responding and got caught separated for the main group. As a consequence we lost a Rifleman and an Uziel. We made a stand in the open and waited for them to come over the hills but they still remain behind the hills with individual mechs cresting and firing on the Warthog. The position was not defendable so we moved among the buildings and continued to fire at enemy mechs as they presented themselves. By this time we were quite spread out and the enemy had a good solid position to continue to pick us off one by one. Within a few minutes there was only a couple of mechs left. The Rifleman moved over a hill to engage an enemy mech not realizing that there were in fact three enemy mechs on the other side of the hill. So he did not last long. Now those three mech charged the last remaining mech which put up a gallant fight but he was not able to destroy any of the enemy before he was destroyed.


Report from the battlefront on Zlatousi

We dropped close to the enemy’s drop zone, so the DC decided to have a full out charge on the enemy. We moved directly for them with guns blasting since we made contact within seconds of moving towards their DZ. The area of Mining Corp does not have a clear atmosphere so actually spotting a target was not easy. They showed up on radar but due to the murky air one could not see the enemy at some distance. We tried to fire at the enemy using instruments only. As we pushed forward some mechs were faster than others causing the unit to separate. The separation created two separate battles to take place with our lighter mechs being caught deeper into enemy territory. The enemy was able to use that to their advantage in having some of the lead mechs turn and fire on the backs of our lighter mechs. The end result was to destroy our light mechs while at the same time keeping the slower group occupied so they could not lend support to the advanced group. The concept of divide and conquer worked well for ELH. We ended up creating the division and they were able to take advantage of the mistake as they were successful in destroying all our forces with only minimal losses to their force.

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Интересно почитать мемуары противников, еще бы приписывали кто из наших на каких мехах был. что за Гризли и кто на нем сидел? Жду продолжение)

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  • 2 недели спустя...
  • 1 месяц спустя...

As all of you know the Clan Fire Mandrill has perfidiously attacked peace agrarian planets of the Draconis Combine. The regiments of the Eridani Light Horse protected these planets from last forces! During bloody fights when the smoke of big fires has dissipated, mechwarriors of the ELH have seen three pilots of the Clan, which ejected during fight. General-lieutenant Amis has immediately been caused. It has made a decision under laws of the Clan "bonds" these pilots.

When Amis has come nearer to the found pilots, them have already revived, in fact they were without consciousness.

They have informed the ranks and blood names. They were- Star Colonel Andrey "CFM_Iv" Radik, Star Captain Vladimir "CFM_Rok" genesis oh the Hazen, Star Commander Ilya "CFM_Biven" genesis oh the Pain.

General Amis told them -

- You were taken prisoner, and had not time to commit suicide. Now you should make a choice, or go to camp for captured or to be the bondsmans.

And Claners aswer him -

- I'am Star Colonel Andrey "CFM_Iv" Radik, from the Clan Fire Mandrill and I'am your bondsman.

- I'am Star Captain Vladimir "CFM_Rok" genesis oh the Hazen, from the Clan Fire Mandrill and I'am your bondsman.

- I'am Star Commander Ilya "CFM_Biven" genesis oh the Pain, from the Clan Fire Mandrill and I'am your bondsman.

Then, general Amis to correspond to all traditions of Clans, has tied three cords of various color on hands of each mechwarrioirs of the CFM. Cords represent unity, fidelity and skill and refer to - Bondcord.

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Как Вы все знаете, Клан Огненного Мандрилла вероломно напал на мирные аграрные планеты Синдиката Дракона. И полки Эриданской Легкой Кавалерии защищали эти планеты из последних сил! И когда утихли кровавые битвы, и дым великих пожаров рассеялся, Мехвоины ЭЛК нашли трех пилотов Клана, катапультировавшихся во время боя. Тогда был вызван генерал-лейтенант Амис, и прибыв, он принял решение согласно законам Клана объявить их "связанными".

Подойдя ближе к найденным пилотам, Амис увидел, что они почти пришли в себя, ибо были ранее без сознания.

И сказали они ему свои звания и имена крови. И звали их - Звездный полковник Андрей "CFM_Iv" Радик, Звездный капитан Владимир "CFM_Rok" наследие Хазен и Звездный командир Илья "CFM_Biven" наследение Пэйн.

И генерал Амис сказал им:

- Вы были взяты в плен, и не было у вас времени, чтобы исполнить бондсреф. Теперь вы должны сделать выбор - отправиться в лагерь для военнопленных и лишится свободы или стать связанными и сражатся за нас.

И тогда кланеры ответили ему:

- Я, Звездный полковник Андрей "CFM_Iv" Радик из Клана Огненного Мандрилла и я твой связанный.

- Я, Звездный капитан Владимир "CFM_Rok" наследие Хазен из Клана Огненного Мандрилла и я твой связанный.

- Я, Звездный командир Илья "CFM_Biven" наследие Пэйн из Клана Огненного Мандрилла и я твой связанный.

Тогда, генерал Амис, желая исполнить все традиции Кланов, повязал три шнура различного цвета на руке каждого Мехвоина Клана. И шнурки эти теперь служат напоминанием о единстве, преданности и мастерстве и называются они Узами.

з.ы. за точность сведений не отвечаю, но из песни слов не выкинешь - перевел как тут ))

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Главком СЛДФ приказал силам 3 ПБК атаковать один из миров ФВЛ.

Мы передаем последние новости с одной из планет принадлежащих ФВЛ.

Командир одного из полков ЭЛК младший лейтенант Файвер отдал приказ на выдвижение. Штаб ЭЛК решил не привлекать тяжелых роботов. Поэтому Файвер использовал среднюю манипулу 21 ударного полка и один разведывательный мех 19 Кавалерийского полка.

И вот наши бравые пилоты выдвигаются на позиции. По внутренней связи слышен приказ: двигаться в район ущелья. Командир лэнса майор Кифт подтвердил данный приказ. Разведчику был отдан приказ произвести разведку сил противника. Через некоторое время разведчик доложил о силах неприятеля двигающихся с зоны высадки в район дислокации ударных сил Кавалерии. Ему был отдан приказ отходить назад. После чего 5 Бушей и разведывательный фаерфалкон пошли в лобовую атаку на противника. В ходе движения был сделан маневр отхода двух машин вправо и влево – в целях захвата сил врага в клещи. Что и было превосходно выполнено. Окружив силы Блэк Торнов от Файвера поступили указания целей. Первым был Командир неприятеля. Он управлял Бушем-С2. Файвер вышел ему за спину и уничтожил его. После чего, умелыми действиями майора Кифта противник был рассеян по полю боя, изолирован и уничтожен по одному. Последним оставался в живых Холандер. Файвер выскочил на него и в скоротечном бою уничтожил его.

С нашей стороны потерь нет.

После боя мы взяли интервью у самого неопытного пилота – кадета Iv.

Товарищ кадет поделитесь впечатлениями от прошедшего боя для наших зрителей.

Кадет Iv: Для меня это был первый бой на передовой, когда наша манипула выдвинулась в сторону врага, адреналин приливал и все естество рвалось в бой, по радио каналу доносились доклады разведки и приказы командования… После начала столкновения на дисплее меха все закрутилось огненным вихрем, и порой было трудно разобрать где свои где чужие, темный камуфляж сливался с ландшафтом и порой стреляя в тень ты осознавал, что она загоралась и пускала смолянистый дым! Мы рвали их на куски! Слава богам все остались живы, и мне сказали, что я даже уничтожил вражеского меха… честно эти момент смутно проносятся в голове, было так много врагов и так мало патронов… мы победили и все остались целы! Да здравствует Эриданская Кавалерия!!

Оставайтесь с нами.


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+100!! <_< Мне добавилось с десяток лет жизни ибо посмеялсо я отдуши :(.

Некоторые фразы мниться мне теперь станут коронными :).

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Объявляю благодарность младшему лейтенанту Файверу за создание утреннего позитивного настроя :lol::lol::lol:

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  • 11 месяцев спустя...
  • 3 месяца спустя...

Стату еще не обновил, обновил медльки и все такое нашивки и знаки различия.

Убрал всем доступы кроме: Батл контроль - фокс бивень.

Полный доступ я и Ларбат.

Пароль у себя я сменил.

Все перечисленное сделано в свзяи с тем что кто-то попалил по админке и испоганил много чего. Выявилось это после того как откуда нивозьмись появился бой против Кобр

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