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+, конечно же.

Кстати, если наберется человек 15 для игры в мвлл, то у меня есть одна задумка, которая не должна потребовать от всех остальных участников никаких усилий по подготовке - просто надо будет придти и отыграть...

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Инвиктус в сабже пишет, что норесп-турнир подобный прошлому возможен в будущем, а пока он хочет провести ТС-турнир. Начало турнира возможно в первую же субботу после того, как все команды будут набраны.

Хмит, две по 13 нам собирать не нужно. Просто 13 от ЭЛК на матч.

АПД: Хмит, ясно :)

Изменено пользователем Fox
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если получится я конечно же в теме!.. но последнее время очень сильно загружен..и не могу планировать.

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  • 9 месяцев спустя...



Please note that what I am developing will not record individual assets lost/survive in battle so persistent book keeping will be kept at a minimum.

I'm not even sure its right to call it a league, its more like an extended campaign. "Leaders" of teams will play more of the role of lower level officers charged to use the units given to them by higher forces they cannot control.

Star Systems are fought for either with best of 5 norespawn drops, best of three 300 ticket TC games, or best of three 200 ticket TSA games.

TC Rules:

TC games will be 300 ticket 30 minute matches.

Die Roll for techtype:

50% All tech

16% IsvClan

16% ClanvClan

16% IsvIS

Randomly draw map

In All-tech each team gets 1 asset ban and 2 variant bans, these apply to the other team.

In any puretech each team gets 2 variant bans.

No respawn:

No respawn drops are fought in a best of 5 fasion.

Minimum 4 players per side required.

Step 1: Draw a card to set tonnage limit per player throught the match

So “(40; 45; 50; 55; 60; 65; 70) x Player count x 5 = match tonnage limit”

IE: 60 * 5 players * 5 matches = 1500 tons

Step 2: Draw Battledecks

A Battledeck will be made up of 3 divisions per match, so 15 divisions.

Each deck will have 4 Brawl, 4 Medium, 4 Long, and 3 Artillery divisions

These are the back bone of each force.

Either deal each deck of three to each team at the beginning of each battle or allow them to pick from the five decks as each battle comes along.

If teams consist only of 4 players, they will pick one division and use it; if teams consist of 4-8 players they will pick two divisions, one main division and one flex division; the main division will be used in full, the flex division will be picked from to fill out the pilots if there are less than 8 players (Both divisions are discarded after the end of the battle regardless of outcome, there is no saving part of the flex division for later.) If teams consist of 8 to 12 players then all three divisions will be used, two in full, and one flex, or all three in full.)

Note however that tonnage free BA+APC can always be substituted to save weight beyond the minimum four player single division required. There will always be one APC regardless of number of BA; APC ammo buying is not allowed; BA get infinite respawns from said APC; as always an APC can never carry a game, if all other assets are dead the team loses.

Step 3: Draw Auxillary Cards and Event Cards

Auxillary Cards are extra units added to any one battle and are always tonnage free. They consist of locally drawn forces that do no require dropships to transport into the battle. A card may be used either by the regular team to substitute one asset for a free asset as an additional weight saving measure (the entire division is still scrapped) OR maybe added onto the team if an additional player/merc is available and wishes to join in. Once the card is used it is discarded.

Event Cards are varied effects that can be played for any one battle; each team can choose to use one and only one for any battle and then the card is discarded. The effect is shown on the card, the opposing team will only be told about the card if it is applicable. For instance, if it requires a change in the behavior of the opposing team; otherwise the opposing team will be kept ignorant of its effects.

Step 4: Randomly choose five maps for the entire match.

Step 5: Have teams use their battledecks, auxillary cards, and event cards.

Step 6: Have each team report which divisions / assets are being used to the admin, in turn the admin should remind each team how much weight they have remaining in the battle.

Step 7: Play the battle, only the win/loss need be recorded.

Step 8: Remove all divisions and cards played in the battle from each team.

Step 9: Repeat until the best of 5 is completed.

That is the skeleton of what I have so far. Perks for holding certain star systems would include additional or draw again auxiliary and/or event cards.

Note that most all auxiliary forces would be very subpar assets since they are weight free, basically locally drawn forces. So for instance you could get a "Coast guard" card which adds up to two random sparrowhawks. Or a "Local Pirate" card which would add one random Sulla. Stuff like that. Though higher level cards could be something like, "Local Noble" card which adds one Warhammer F.

Event cards could be anything from "Ambush!" team gets a 5 minute head start into the field, or various sorts of intelligence, espionage, or logistics perks.

The cards are meant to round out the teams chances for each battle with simple perks that they can play to cover up a "weaker" drop or important battle.

The whole thing is meant to be mix and match to provide both tactical flexibility without burdening the players with too many decisions.

If you want to know what a division is go to the Planetary league section and find my thread there for an idea.

My main question right now is whether to draw the battledecks in groups of three for each individual game, or allow teams to pick 3 from the entire 15 division deck for the each game. The former would speed up pregame time significantly but the latter would provide much more tryhard flexibility.

Anyways, things are really rough right now so give me a little more time.

Он снова заставляет меня надеяться на светлое будущее. Надеюсь не напрасно в очередной раз :icon_con:

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Не надейся, Инвиктус не вытащит. Если тогда ещё было... какое-то комьюнити, то теперь поддержки вообще нет. Просто зима начинается, все сидят по домам, им скучно и они думают, а не начать ли нам по новой. Потом весна, тепло, и пошло оно всё.

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Нивикс ты хоть предупреждай когда собираешься насыпать свежую порцию соли на рану.

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